
Our Services & Departments


This section includes a list of recommended marriage counsellors or therapists, along with their contact information and areas of expertise. We offer both in-person and virtual counselling sessions to ensure that everyone can access the support they need. We offer classes on a variety of topics related to building and maintaining healthy relationships, including communication, conflict resolution, intimacy, and more.

Communication Skills

Communication is key in any relationship, so this section could provide resources on how to improve communication skills between partners. It includes books, articles, videos, and podcasts on a variety of topics related to relationships and marriage.


For couples intending to start a family or expand their family, this section provides resources on family planning and parenting. This could include articles and resources on fertility, adoption, and parenting tips and advice.


Unfortunately, domestic violence and abuse can be a reality in some marriages. This section provides resources on how to recognize the signs of abuse, how to seek help, and how to safely leave an abusive relationship.


Money is a common source of stress in relationships, so this section could include resources on budgeting, saving, and managing finances as a couple.


It’s important for couples to spend quality time together, so this section provides ideas for fun and meaningful activities to do as a couple. This could include vacation, date night ideas, exercises, and other suggestions for how to prioritize time together in busy schedules.

Our Department


This department is for single ladies and gentlemen who are ready to commit themselves to holy matrimony. It involves matchmaking (including those in the diaspora), marriage counselling, education, and emotional and financial support.

This department is for couples who are happily together in their marriage. Hence, the partners still want continuous support on conflict resolution and how to enjoy the best of their union.

The department is for individuals who are possibly still living together but bedeviled with all forms of conflicts, disagreements, disenchantment, strife, malice, and emotional disconnection. We offer a soft reconnect with a review of their relationship history and counseling support and rebuild a new healthy relationship.

The department is for individuals experiencing physical abuse, and psychological or emotional abuse in their marriages. At this stage, the matter may be a court or divorce case. A partner who may have gone through protracted abuse, (emotional, psychological, physical) and is separated. We create a platform for alternate resolutions to continue the marriage or end it in peace. Victims of such violence will be provided with soothing therapy.

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